Meshroom photogrammetry
Meshroom by Activision converts a series of photographs to a textured 3D model that you can use to 3D print or integrate in a VR environment, such as Mozilla Hubs, or AR such as Adobe Aero.
We made a short video explaining how to take your pictures, and how to upload and convert these to a 3D model in Meshroom (please excuse the "lab" sounds in the background, hehe). When finished, you can find your textured .obj model within the "textures" folder that had been created in your project folder. Watch the video here!
Other tutorials that are worth checking out - they go a bit to a lot deeper than our video - are these: 1. Sketchfab - Sketchfab is the perfect intermediary platform between Meshoom and VR. For beginners, it offers this comprehensible tutorial on how to use Meshroom. If you upload your model to Sketchfab, you can easily access it from Mozilla Hubs / Spoke, or in VR software such as Google Tiltbrush. 2. Creative Jimbo - This enthousiastic guy has a nice tuturial about cleaning up your model in Blender, and converting your high poly model from Meshroom, into a low poly model (much less heavy) that is better usable in VR or in games.
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